Maybe you could be part of the solution to help reduce the 190 diabetes related amputations that take place in England each week?

(the majority of which are avoidable)

The NHS spends more on diabetic foot care in England than the combined cost of breast, prostate and lung cancers; with over 90% of expenditure relating to ulceration (The cost of diabetic foot disease in England, Marion Kerr: The Diabetic Foot Journal Vol 22 No 4 2019).  

Having a foot ulcer can have a huge impact on someone's health and well-being. 

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction and structure of the course - a message from Lynne Reedman, DUET diabetes Founder & Service Lead

    2. How to use this course

    3. What if...

    4. Pre-course confidence survey

    5. Learning outcomes & summary of the structure of the course

    1. Summary of resources

    2. Course Handbook

    3. Diabetes Africa - Diabetes footcare in dark skin tones

    4. Time-stamped Index - Parts 1, 2 & 3

    5. Pre-treatment Diabetic Foot Consultation Questions

    6. Foot awareness leaflet for clients living with diabetes

    1. Part 1 - filmed presentation with Gareth

    2. NEW: Diabetes related videos from Diabetes UK

    1. Part 2 - filmed presentation with Gareth and pre-treatment foot examination demonstration

    1. Part 3 - filmed presentation with Gareth

    2. Post course confidence survey

    1. End of course assessment

About this course

  • £54.00
  • 19 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

The training is led by an experienced Podiatrist who shares a wealth of knowledge and provides real life examples in an easy-to-understand manner.

The course material includes recorded presentations, a videoed demonstration, a copy of the core slides shared during the session along with various other supporting documentation created by DUET diabetes to aid your understanding and learning. An electronic attendance certificate will be issued after completion of a short post training multiple choice questionnaire.

  • What diabetes is and associated signs and symptoms

  • A brief overview of the short/long term effects (complications) of diabetes

  • What is a foot ulcer?

  • The observable risk factors leading to foot problems

  • The causes of neuropathy and peripheral arterial disease (PAD)

  • Suitable and unsuitable footwear for people with diabetes


Podiatrist Gareth Hicks

Gareth qualified as a in 1988. He worked within NHS (Gloucestershire & Shropshire) clinics in both community and hospital settings as well as running private clinics specialising in sports injuries and lower limb mechanics. Gareth now works in the commercial sector running his own consultancy, with diabetes being his main clinical interest and prevention his chief driver. Gareth has presented on the topic of diabetic foot screening/examinations on over 500 occasions within the NHS and private settings. He has also been invited to conduct presentations in Ireland, Malta, Germany, Czech Republic, but mainly throughout the Gulf region and was once invited to speak at the British Embassy in Riyadh! In the UK he presents to GP groups, Practice Nurses and Health Care Assistants, within GP practices, community clinics and nursing homes. Gareth co-authored “A photographic scale to aid appropriate foot skin care for people with diabetes” published in the Diabetic Foot Journal (2014).